WWII KAI-GUNTO (fss-958)

WWII KAI-GUNTO (fss-958)

WWII KAI-GUNTO (fss-958) New Item Available Sold On Hold Special Sale This is a Kai Gunto (Sea military Sword) sword made for WWII and is in very good condition.  The blade has some scuffing and minor stains.  This sword was stored very well after WWII. The blade is...
Takada Tadayuki (fss-770)

Takada Tadayuki (fss-770)

Takada Tadayuki (fss-770) New Item Available Sold On Hold Special Sale The Bungo province in Kyushu produced such excellent sword-smiths as Yukihira in the Koto times. The Bungo Takada school was founded by Tomoyuki in the Nanbokucho period. Tomoyuki is considered to...


KANESAKI WAKAZASHI (fss-715)   New Item   Available  Sold On Hold Special Sale A beautiful wakazashi from the koto period attributed to Kanesaki of the tensho (1573-1592) periodwith unique workmanship of the mino den. This longish blade sports a picture...
Echizen Kanenori (fss-713)

Echizen Kanenori (fss-713)

Echizen Kanenori (fss-713)   New Item   Available   Sold On Hold Special Sale   This stunning Echizen blade from the Shinto era comes in koshirai and is in a fine Japanese polish. The work on this sword is very elegant and exciting at the same...
Katsutoshi Tanto (fss-650)

Katsutoshi Tanto (fss-650)

Katsutoshi Tanto (fss-650) New Item Sold On Hold Special Sale This is a fine quality tanto signed and dated from the shin-shinto era. The signature reads Katsutoshi and is dated in the Meiji era. This smith is listed in Hawley’s and in his longer signature signed...