Nagamitsu is one of the most famous names in the history of Japanese swords. There have been various swordsmiths named Nagamitsu who worked from the mid 1200’s through the 1940’s. The most famous of them worked in Bizen, although swordsmiths by this name are recorded as having worked in Satsuma, Yamato, Yamashiro and other locations. Ichihara Ichiryushi Nagamitsu worked during the Showa Era in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
It has been established that Nagamitsu was a participant in the first Army Shinsakuto Exhibition held in 1944, in which he entered under the name of Ichihara Nagamitsu. Nagamitsu resided in Okayama and is mentioned in the Tosho Zensho by Shimizu which lists him as a Rikugun Jumei Tosho (Army approved swordsmith) and as a member of the Rikugun Gunto Gijutsu Tenrankai. He was awarded the Kaicho-sho prize at a sword competition held by Riku-gun Gunto Sho-rei Kai before the war.
Some Nagamitsu blades will have a small, faint “saka” stamp on the nakago or nakago-mune. This indicates a blade made for the Osaka Rikugun Zoheisho (Osaka Army Arsenal). Several smiths including Ichihara Nagamitsu, Gassan Sadakatsu, Kawano Sadashige and Kosaka Masayoshi made blades for the Osaka Rikugun Zoheisho.
On May 20, 1984, a Nagamitsu blade was awarded Shinteisho origami by the NTHK. Nagamitsu blades have also received Hozon origami from the NBTHK in Japan. This attests to the high regard that these blades are currently getting in Japan and the fact that they are judged to be true gendaito.
Swordsman Saruta Mitsuhiro, head of the Musashi Dojo Ryuseika of Osaka, used a blade made by Ishiryushi Nagamitsu to perform kabutowari (helmet cutting). The blade successfully cut several centimeters into the iron plate helmet without sustaining significant damage, thus demonstrating the excellent quality and resilience of Nagamitsu’s swords.
This hand forged katana is a fine quality Gendaito and has even received a certificate attesting to its quality from the NBTHK Japanese Sword Museum.
Length: 2 shaku 2 sun .
As a result of a shinsa at this organization, the above item has been judged to be a HOZON TÔKEN and is confirmed as being genuine. December 21, 2004 NBTHK
This sword comes polished in shirasaya also with original koshirai and papers attesting to maker and quality.
Mei: NagamitsuX
Date: Showa 1900’s
Nagasa: 26 1/4 ”
Sori: 18.0 mm
Width at the ha-machi: 31.1 mm
Width at the yokote: 20.8 mm
Thickness at the mune-machi: 7.1 mm
Construction: shinogi-zukuri
Mune: iori
Nakago: ubu
Kitae: itame
Hamon: suguha
Boshi: maru
Condition: polished in shirasaya
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