The mei on this sword reads Minamoto Hideaki Saku (an early mei of Toshihide) before Emperor Akihito took power, when he changed his name out of respect as they used the “aki” kanji. The VERY RARE symbol/inscription at the top of the nakago is stylized “Ni” for his steel company, “Nihon Seikosho Jo”, and 33 indicates that it was the 33 sword made in Taisho 8.
This is a beautiful sword and in a very nice condition. This shape was quite often seen from the earliest periods of Nambokucho up until the the modern era. Mostly found in larger sizes such as this wakazashi. There is horimono on both sides of the blade. A Ken can be seen on the one side known as SUKEN and Gomabashi ( chopsticks ) on the other.
This wakazashi comes mounted in Shirasaya trimmed with horn inlay in the handle with gold foiled habaki.
This beautifully made wakazashi comes in a very nice polish. The hamon is an erratic blend of gunome-midare based in notare with much ara-nie and many fine activities. The blade was made in the bizen style. The hada is a ko- itame blend with itame nagare and mokume. The ko-wakazashi shows off the swords fine uniqueness. The blade is signed and dated:
Information on the swordsmith:
Horii Toshihide:
From Markus Sesko’s index:
– Toshihide (俊秀), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Hokkaidō – „Ōmi no Kuni Shiga Tarō Minamoto Hideaki“ (近江国志賀太郎源秀明), „Minamoto Toshihide“ (源俊秀), „Zuisen Horii Toshihide“ (瑞泉堀井俊秀), civilian name „Horii Kaneyoshi“ (堀井兼吉), he was born on the second day of the third month Meiji 19 (明治, 1886) in the village of Shimosaka (下坂) in Shiga Prefecture, 1905 he entered an apprenticeship under Horii Taneaki (堀井胤明), he signed in early years with „Hideaki“ (秀明) which was granted to him in 1913 by the NBTHK, 1911 he married the daughter of Taneaki and was adopted into the Horii family, thereupon he changed his name to „Shiga Tarō“ (志賀太郎), the change of the smith name to „Toshihide“ took place in December 1933 with the birth of emperor Akihitos (明仁), because he refrained out of respect from using the same character of „Aki“ (明) as the latter, he died 1943
– Toko Taikan: 2.8M yen (same as Shigetsugu)
– Tosho Banzuke: SaiJo Saku (Highest Rating)
– 6th Shinsaku Nihonto Denrankai: Special Honor Seat (Highest Award)
– Nihon Token Tanrenjo (NTT) and the Nihon Token Shinbunshi (NTS) ranking: Special Rank: Genro (Highest Award)
– References:
Gendai Toko Meikan: Page 193
Toko Taikan: Pages 423, 518
Hawley: HID7, HID6, KAN622, KAN613
Slough: 173 – 175
Nihonto Toko Jiten: S-15
- Mei: Minamoto Hideaki Saku
- Date: Taisho 8 (August, 1919)
- Nagasa: 14-1/4 inches
- Sori: 3.0 mm
- Width at the ha-machi: 30.6 mm
- Width at the yokote: 21.7 mm
- Thickness at the mune-machi: 6.8 mm
- Construction: Shinogi zukuri
- Mune: mitsumune
- Nakago: Ubu
- Kitae: Itame/mokume
- Hamon: Midare Gunome
- Boshi: Maru
- Condition: Good polish
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