An Impressive Yasukuni Shrine sword by the swordsmith Yasunobu. His full name Murakami Yasunobu and given name is Ensaku from Yamagata prefecture.
According to the translation by Kenji Mishina for the JSS:
He became a member of the NTKF ( Nihonto Tenren Kai Foundation ) 10/15/33 which made approx. 1000 swords.
Given his Yasukuni smith name on 1/11/39 by War Minister, Itagaki Seishiro.
Left 8/15/45 after the defeat by the Allied Forces.
Donated a sword to the Yasakuni shrine 2/39.
Donated a sword to the festival for the 700th anniversary of retired-Emporer Gotoba 3/39.
Won the Chairman Award at the 2nd Gunto Tenran Kai 12/21/44
His lineage: Ikeda Yasumitsu ( Ikko or Kazumitsu )
He was making agricultural tools under the tutelage of Ikeda Ikko in Yamagata prefecture.
This impressive blade is in pristine condition. The polish is outstanding and truly shows off the magnificence of the Yasukuni smiths workmanship. As most Yasukuni blades this is a brilliantly controlled Sugu-ha with a very tight Ko-Itame / Ko-Mokume Hada. The boshi is in Maru with no flaws to be found. The Habaki is finished in a beautiful solid Gold foil. And not to understate this completed with a wonderfully done Shira-saya of Honoki.
Anyone interested in owning a truly perfect example of a Yasukuni Shrine blade by a noted Yasukuni Shrine Smith should own this sword or add it to their collection.
- Mei: Yasunobu
- Date: showa ju shichi men (1942) ju-gatsu kitsu-jitsu (one lucky day in october)
- Nagasa: 25 1/8 inches
- Sori: 19.0 mm
- Width at the ha-machi: 29.5 mm
- Width at the yokote: 19.0 mm
- Thickness at the mune-machi: 4.6 mm
- Construction: Shinogi zukuri
- Mune: Iori
- Nakago: Ubu
- Kitae: ko-mokume
- Hamon: suguba
- Boshi: Maru
- Condition: good polish
Email us if your interested in this item and remember to include the order number for this item: fss-667.
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