Bizen Morimitsu (fss-721)


Up for sale is a mounted sword from the WWII era with ancestral blade. This blade is a ubu katana at 25″.  This is a (1400’s-1500’s) koto Bizen sword with Bohi as Horimono. There is a beautiful curvature with much hataraki through out waiting to be exposed. The koshirae is a special set of shingunto style mountings. The simplicity of the mounts are an understated testament with stylized banding adorned with cherry blossom  motif. There is a pierced military tsuba and two non descript bands of copper as well as a band with Sakkora motif.. The hada appears to be a fine itame/Mokume blend with a midare hamon. A interesting sword waiting to be polished. The  saya is in a green lacquer finish typical brown ito. The fuchi kashira are military and all original to the sword. A interesting WWII KOSHIRAE mounted with an ancestral koto blade. TO NOTE: The blade appears to be of a ko-dachi in shape and form forged from that time period ubu with 2 holes signed BISHU OSAFUNE MORIMITSU .  This is a reasonably priced antiques sword for a new collector especially.

  • Mei: Bishu Osafune Morimitsu
  • Date: koto (1400’s-1600’s)
  • Nagasa: 23 inches
  • Sori: 12.0 mm
  • Width at the ha-machi: 28.3 mm
  • Width at the yokote: 16.6 mm
  • Thickness at the mune-machi: 6.4 mm
  • Construction: Shinogi zukuri
  • Mune: Iori
  • Nakago: Ubu
  • Kitae: Itame/mokume
  • Hamon: Midare
  • Boshi: Maru
  • Condition: old polish
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This sword is on consignment.
Special Sale Price
On Hold

Asking price: $3,200.00

Sale price: $2,400.00 (sale ends 2/10/17)

(shipping and insurance included)

Email us if your interested in this item and remember to include the order number for this item: fss-721.

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